Goals of "Project:

Being just out of high school, there is much I have come to learn in this past year. I have witnessed the corruption of this world around me with new a understanding; a corruption most of us Americans are oblivious to. It surrounds our everyday lives, so well hidden it envelopes everything we know and rely on. My hopes for this page is that it not only draws attention to these issues, but truly gets people thinking on them.

While many of my posts will be strongly opinion-based, I will do my best to back most of it with fact. As a born again Christian, I will also be honoring God, alone. Iwish to both make people smile and open their eyes.

-"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another"- John 13:34, KJB.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Temptation to All

      At some point in our lives, we have all been tempted to do something. Tempted to do the right thing, though it has consequences, also; tempted to do the wrong thing, simply because we could; tempted to do SOMETHING, only because it seemed worthwhile. We all face this feeling, and we all face our fall in it. Temptation is dangerous, and often people don't realize this because it masks itself- it pretends to be something good, fun, or beneficial, to draw us into its trickery and (more often than not) destroy us. 
      The first thing a temptation usually brings about is self-seeking behavior. We are generally tempted by something because it offers us something we think we need, or believe we could be better with. While in some instances this may be true, like telling your friend the truth about something that may break your friendship (but is the Right thing to do), most times self-seeking behavior is selfish. Let's say for example sake you really want a new car. You found a great one that's not too expensive, but would put your family on a very tight budget for a while. You don't need the new car, but it's tempting to own a nicer one like your friend's. You weigh your pros and cons, and suddenly it hits you. What happens if there's an emergency, and my family needs medical help? Or a new necessity? You throw those thoughts away- That's not too likely in the next few months. 
      Your selfish temptation has now become potentially damaging and debt causing to your family. You disregarded the future security of your family to get your societal fit. This example of temptation fits for most things, also. Fill in the blank for an action (such as wanting to get drunk) and you'll see that most things we are tempted with have these exact same consequences!
      When self-seeking behaviors are given in to, the second thing temptation will bring about is a self-seeking lifestyle. Once you give in to buying the car, you find it easier to give in to the next time you want something. And the next. You are beginning to allow your temptations to get the best of you, sometimes even when your cons outweigh your pros. While you haven't completely turned over to temptation yet, your slowly moving into a life lived only for yourself. 
      The third thing temptation will bring is an insensitivity to the needs of others. In other words, you no longer care. Your heart has been hardened, and you are officially living for yourself. You don't bother to weigh pros and cons anymore- if it's good for you it's good for everyone, or so your mentality says. You will claim to love people, but that love is only present when you get something out of it. You will deliberately do things that hurt people because the thing your doing has some benefit to you. 
      The final thing sin brings about is self destruction. You don't even care about the damage things can do to you, so long as you feel good and seem to be having fun. With the case of a drug addict, your dying but don't  care. Your life is revolved around being high and feeling numbed. You steal to get the drug money you need, you cheat and lie. You will tell anyone anything without feeling even a tinge of guilt, because you are incapable of actually loving or caring for anyone, including yourself.
      Not very nice is it? Getting right down to it, temptation is evil. It is merciless. It knows no end. There is one thing that can deliver you from this- The Good News, himself. I'll be sharing how tomorrow morning, but if you have any further questions or feel a sense of immediacy you are more than welcome to message me at any time.

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