Goals of "Project:

Being just out of high school, there is much I have come to learn in this past year. I have witnessed the corruption of this world around me with new a understanding; a corruption most of us Americans are oblivious to. It surrounds our everyday lives, so well hidden it envelopes everything we know and rely on. My hopes for this page is that it not only draws attention to these issues, but truly gets people thinking on them.

While many of my posts will be strongly opinion-based, I will do my best to back most of it with fact. As a born again Christian, I will also be honoring God, alone. Iwish to both make people smile and open their eyes.

-"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another"- John 13:34, KJB.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


      Graduation week is over! I haven't kept up on my posts because things have been so hectic....but I made it! I'll continue with my series post ASAP, but for now I will share what my last week has been like. I think more than anything i'm simply relieved it's over.
      Finals week was bittersweet. I was excited because I was almost done, but I couldn't just get out. We spent three days in block schedules. Day one was two hours in first then second, then the second same but third and fourth and the third fifth and sixth periods. Most of my finals were pretty simple. Band and office T.A. required no work, other than stuffing all the diploma holders....all the office T.A.s got the privilege of that task. English I got a b......I wonder what the rest of my class got, considering my group undoubtedly did the best (everyone told us so, anyways). Geometry was stressful. I still passed the class with a b, but sadly only got through half of the second part to the test. I Believe I got a b in government as well....I was hoping for more a's but i definitely can't complain.
      So I'm a little happier now. I just looked at my grades and it appears I finished my senior year with: A A A B B B. Not too bad of grades :)
      My graduation ceremony was horrid. Normally graduation night ends up windy and semi cold in the stadium.......it would be my luck that mine ended up 105 degrees. We were even instructed to remove our gowns because it was so hot. Before we even started walking in two kids feinted and multiple audience members passed out. Needless to say we had a couple ambulances sit through our ceremony with us.
      The grad night even was amazing, however. They had a mechanical bull (yes, i got thrown off), a fake casino set up, rock climbing, and multiple blow-up party stations. They even hired a hypnotist....I didn't participate in that, just watched. No thanks, I want to remember this night! I actually ended up winning a 20$  gift card to best buy and a beach set. God was watching my back, because i plan on spending my summer body boarding! Eventually I might even work up the nerve to learn how to surf.
      I made enough to start my car saving off good. Hopefully i'll be able to get a job this summer and add to it immensely. College would be interesting without it. I can't decide if I want my present to myself to be a camera or a gaming device....On the one hand I love taking pictures, but on the other I do love video games when I have those random bored moments.
      I guess that about sums it up, though I will get around to posting pictures soon, hopefully.

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