I've recently noticed more and more the racial barriers that seem to separate people of the same nation, for no reason at all. Racism has gotten to the point where different races go away of the way to separate THEMSELVES from other races of the U.S.
Mexicans call themselves Mexican-Americans; Asians call themselves Asian-Americans; Black people call themselves African-Americans. The problem with this, the one that makes me sick to my stomach, is that it degrades them to less than American. America prides itself on being ethnically diverse- so why be degrading to yourself? If you are an american citizen, you ARE American. Even "white" people refer to them this way, an evil I can not begin to describe.
If you are anything but white, I immediately look at you in a higher regard than white people, though I am white myself. Why? Because I know the way white people are. I do not know anything but living as white, and I know I have it easy. So for anyone who isn't, I see them as stronger than me. I don't face the hardships that come with being of color, so those hardships, to me, are more notable then even the most successful white person.
All my life iv'e been taught to love everyone, regardless of their skin color. To me, love means not being judgmental. Period.
Goals of "Project:
Being just out of high school, there is much I have come to learn in this past year. I have witnessed the corruption of this world around me with new a understanding; a corruption most of us Americans are oblivious to. It surrounds our everyday lives, so well hidden it envelopes everything we know and rely on. My hopes for this page is that it not only draws attention to these issues, but truly gets people thinking on them.
While many of my posts will be strongly opinion-based, I will do my best to back most of it with fact. As a born again Christian, I will also be honoring God, alone. Iwish to both make people smile and open their eyes.
-"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another"- John 13:34, KJB.
While many of my posts will be strongly opinion-based, I will do my best to back most of it with fact. As a born again Christian, I will also be honoring God, alone. Iwish to both make people smile and open their eyes.
-"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another"- John 13:34, KJB.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Weirdest Visit Ever
Working in a round table, you can imagine the people I come into contact with. Not that the store is bad or in a bad place, but customer service always means dealing with people. For the most part people that eat there are pleasant, though sometimes grumpy. A smile and warm welcome, along with numerous help offers, usually turns their mood around.
I was busing tables the other day, working my butt off because a party was about to come in. Some party members were already seated, having a conversation that enticed laughter out of everyone sitting there. Of course, I have such a common worded name, so whenever someone says "rain" I turn to look if they are talking to me. I saw that the man wasn't and continued working, as he continued his story.
When I turned around to go back to the kitchen, he said "And you- if you were eaves dropping in my f**king conversation i'm going to take your f**king head off". He quickly laughed it off as a joke, and patted me on the back. I simply smiled and walked away. What else was I going to do?
I later found out from my manager that it was a sobriety "birthday party". It made a lot more sense knowing that, but I still felt a tad bit uncomfortable. I worked to avoid him for the rest of the night, let me tell you.
What in the world is wrong with people? You'd think in someone else's place of business, you'd maintain some level of morality. Cussing at and threatening employees, whether your all jacked up from drugs or not, is a no no that everyone should be aware of. It's not only common sense, but strictly follows the golden rule. If one of the guys working there heard him say that, i'm more than sure that man would have regretted it. The "joke" was not funny! I'm glad I walked away and he's lucky I did after he put his hand on me after that comment!
I was busing tables the other day, working my butt off because a party was about to come in. Some party members were already seated, having a conversation that enticed laughter out of everyone sitting there. Of course, I have such a common worded name, so whenever someone says "rain" I turn to look if they are talking to me. I saw that the man wasn't and continued working, as he continued his story.
When I turned around to go back to the kitchen, he said "And you- if you were eaves dropping in my f**king conversation i'm going to take your f**king head off". He quickly laughed it off as a joke, and patted me on the back. I simply smiled and walked away. What else was I going to do?
I later found out from my manager that it was a sobriety "birthday party". It made a lot more sense knowing that, but I still felt a tad bit uncomfortable. I worked to avoid him for the rest of the night, let me tell you.
What in the world is wrong with people? You'd think in someone else's place of business, you'd maintain some level of morality. Cussing at and threatening employees, whether your all jacked up from drugs or not, is a no no that everyone should be aware of. It's not only common sense, but strictly follows the golden rule. If one of the guys working there heard him say that, i'm more than sure that man would have regretted it. The "joke" was not funny! I'm glad I walked away and he's lucky I did after he put his hand on me after that comment!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Winning the hearts of....anyone?
My family and I have been watching band of brothers this week, in our own, personal way to celebrate Independence Day. The movies are absolutely heart breaking, but to my dad, who's a Desert Storm Vet, not all too unfamiliar.
During a part in France, there's a scene where the find a man in a bomb shelter. They were about to shoot him, when they realized he was a citizen and had a little boy with him. To show the boy the men meant no harm to him, they gave the little guy a chocolate bar and the dad informed them he had never even tasted chocolate before. My dad spoke up sharing to Jason a fact I remembered but never made me think so deeply as it did this time.
You see, during WW2, America was said to win the hearts of Europe's women and children. We did this by not scaring them or hurting them, but being kind and giving out chocolate bars. Now we win the hearts of no one. During Iraq our soldiers were not allowed to do things like this. Instead, they were informed to kill everyone, including women and children. Innocent bystanders blown away due to American pride.
I got the privilege of meeting an Iraq Vet, who got awarded a purple heart for getting his leg blown off. He had some pictures of the war, and all the women in the doughnut shop that morning were insisting I should not be allowed to see the pictures. I told them I'd be fine, so He let me take a look. I saw families murdered brains every where, the pictures of his leg blown off. But one picture I was not expecting.
There was this little boy standing behind caution tape, held back by our men. He was covered in blood and brains, screaming. In the next picture it showed his family on the ground shot, and it became apparent he was covered in their blood and brains. For weeks I saw this boy in my head and in my dreams. You see, it wasn't that I was traumatized. I was in love with this little boy who made my heart hurt so bad. I wanted to run to him and take him in, to tell him a lie that everything would be OK. I wanted to hurt the monsters that would do this to a boy no more than 8.
In time, I knew that wasn't fair. The monsters were only doing what they were told, and couldn't directly be blamed. I learned an important lesson through all of this, though:
Once our Nation stood tall,
built on a foundation of God.
Tearing through it all,
we turned our heads away,
hopelessly lost,
losing more every day.
We think we'll resist,
that we can overcome,
but we made a fatal error,
now we're already done.
We'll take our judgment,
with ignorant heads held high,
assuming were still the best,
but that's more than a lie.
We turned our backs on our purpose,
we ignored our faith,
our founding fathers would cry in shame.
For every thing they fought for,
and every thing they risked,
all adds up to nothing,
as it was meant for God,
the good of thee people,
Freedom, liberty, life,
and we threw it all away.
During a part in France, there's a scene where the find a man in a bomb shelter. They were about to shoot him, when they realized he was a citizen and had a little boy with him. To show the boy the men meant no harm to him, they gave the little guy a chocolate bar and the dad informed them he had never even tasted chocolate before. My dad spoke up sharing to Jason a fact I remembered but never made me think so deeply as it did this time.
You see, during WW2, America was said to win the hearts of Europe's women and children. We did this by not scaring them or hurting them, but being kind and giving out chocolate bars. Now we win the hearts of no one. During Iraq our soldiers were not allowed to do things like this. Instead, they were informed to kill everyone, including women and children. Innocent bystanders blown away due to American pride.
I got the privilege of meeting an Iraq Vet, who got awarded a purple heart for getting his leg blown off. He had some pictures of the war, and all the women in the doughnut shop that morning were insisting I should not be allowed to see the pictures. I told them I'd be fine, so He let me take a look. I saw families murdered brains every where, the pictures of his leg blown off. But one picture I was not expecting.
There was this little boy standing behind caution tape, held back by our men. He was covered in blood and brains, screaming. In the next picture it showed his family on the ground shot, and it became apparent he was covered in their blood and brains. For weeks I saw this boy in my head and in my dreams. You see, it wasn't that I was traumatized. I was in love with this little boy who made my heart hurt so bad. I wanted to run to him and take him in, to tell him a lie that everything would be OK. I wanted to hurt the monsters that would do this to a boy no more than 8.
In time, I knew that wasn't fair. The monsters were only doing what they were told, and couldn't directly be blamed. I learned an important lesson through all of this, though:
Once our Nation stood tall,
built on a foundation of God.
Tearing through it all,
we turned our heads away,
hopelessly lost,
losing more every day.
We think we'll resist,
that we can overcome,
but we made a fatal error,
now we're already done.
We'll take our judgment,
with ignorant heads held high,
assuming were still the best,
but that's more than a lie.
We turned our backs on our purpose,
we ignored our faith,
our founding fathers would cry in shame.
For every thing they fought for,
and every thing they risked,
all adds up to nothing,
as it was meant for God,
the good of thee people,
Freedom, liberty, life,
and we threw it all away.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
(photo taken from Google images- I do not own)
It has become a common practice to judge the quality of life based on the things people own. The more they have, or the more money they have, the better their quality of life. That means that even middle-low class people have a poor quality of life, though they have everything they need plus some "material" enjoyments.
People have adopted this idea that in order to be happy they need stuff. Nice clothes, large t.v.s, multiple gaming consoles, smart phones, tablets. Don't get me wrong- it is OK to want and own these things. What I want to know however, is when happiness began to require these things. When did we decide that we needed these objects? Personally, I don't believe we do. We just let the influences of the material world get inside our heads and control our thoughts, impacting the way we regard what's truly important in our lives.
Sadly, this influence can be addicting. You find a need of some nice things to make you happy during a sad period, like the death of a loved one, then begin to rationalize that, since it worked, you keep needing new, nicer things. The new I-Phone comes out, and, all of the sudden, your old one isn't good enough. You get a new outfit, and then need new shoes to match (though the one's in your closet look just fine). If you decide to skip out on the new needed item, you will not feel at all content with what you already have.
Our society, and the world society, for that matter, all support this way of thinking. They make their new products tempting, pushing you into thinking you really want or need it. You become tricked over and over again through advertising schemes and billboards, without realizing that it is the exact thing these companies want. It's all a sick, sick, marketing tool. They are willing to sacrifice your reality for your money in their pockets. If you believe you need something you'll be more apt to buy it.
Hence why this all adds up to the quality of life. If you think government hasn't thought about this while taking their quality of life data gathering and analysis, you're terribly mistaken. The government utilizes these tactics as well, being a form of business in need of money. Money is the driving force of the economy, and without business-marketing tools, we could potentially face a collapse.
It becomes quite obvious when you live a materialistic life. You put more importance on the things you own then, say, your own actual happiness. The world is becoming more materialistic by the day. They care about spending all this money on nice things, not knowing they could learn more from a third world country than their own homes. A materialistic person isn't happy.
If you went to Africa, you would probably witness many things that make your heart cry. So many of the African people have nothing, yet they love each other so much. They take joy in the small meals they eat because it's what they have. They rejoice when they have clothing, because so often they spend time in rags. When they even get a chance to play, to them it's a miracle. We sometimes get so caught up in ourselves we don't enjoy small things. For them, small is all there is. We are too forgetful of the blessings we have, in exchange for the blessings we don't have.
It has become a common practice to judge the quality of life based on the things people own. The more they have, or the more money they have, the better their quality of life. That means that even middle-low class people have a poor quality of life, though they have everything they need plus some "material" enjoyments.
People have adopted this idea that in order to be happy they need stuff. Nice clothes, large t.v.s, multiple gaming consoles, smart phones, tablets. Don't get me wrong- it is OK to want and own these things. What I want to know however, is when happiness began to require these things. When did we decide that we needed these objects? Personally, I don't believe we do. We just let the influences of the material world get inside our heads and control our thoughts, impacting the way we regard what's truly important in our lives.
Sadly, this influence can be addicting. You find a need of some nice things to make you happy during a sad period, like the death of a loved one, then begin to rationalize that, since it worked, you keep needing new, nicer things. The new I-Phone comes out, and, all of the sudden, your old one isn't good enough. You get a new outfit, and then need new shoes to match (though the one's in your closet look just fine). If you decide to skip out on the new needed item, you will not feel at all content with what you already have.
Our society, and the world society, for that matter, all support this way of thinking. They make their new products tempting, pushing you into thinking you really want or need it. You become tricked over and over again through advertising schemes and billboards, without realizing that it is the exact thing these companies want. It's all a sick, sick, marketing tool. They are willing to sacrifice your reality for your money in their pockets. If you believe you need something you'll be more apt to buy it.
Hence why this all adds up to the quality of life. If you think government hasn't thought about this while taking their quality of life data gathering and analysis, you're terribly mistaken. The government utilizes these tactics as well, being a form of business in need of money. Money is the driving force of the economy, and without business-marketing tools, we could potentially face a collapse.
It becomes quite obvious when you live a materialistic life. You put more importance on the things you own then, say, your own actual happiness. The world is becoming more materialistic by the day. They care about spending all this money on nice things, not knowing they could learn more from a third world country than their own homes. A materialistic person isn't happy.
If you went to Africa, you would probably witness many things that make your heart cry. So many of the African people have nothing, yet they love each other so much. They take joy in the small meals they eat because it's what they have. They rejoice when they have clothing, because so often they spend time in rags. When they even get a chance to play, to them it's a miracle. We sometimes get so caught up in ourselves we don't enjoy small things. For them, small is all there is. We are too forgetful of the blessings we have, in exchange for the blessings we don't have.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Dieting? No way, Jose!
I recently decided to go on a health food craze, in attempt to limit the harsh chemicals processed foods put in our bodies. I'm not exactly pinning for weight loss dieting, but more of giving my body the things it needs. Hearth disease is a top 5 death cause in women, so taking care of my body has been important to me. I read many forums, blogs, and doctors articles, prepping myself for what exactly I should look for in food, and drew a few, very misunderstood conclusions.
Our society puts a high importance on being beautiful, leaving no room for "fat".When women diet then, they often look for foods with no, or extremely low, fat contents. This is a problem for many reasons.
First, your body requires high amounts of fat. We're talking a need for fat in EVERYTHING it does, daily. Cell structure, energy, protein processing, mitosis- all of this requires lipid (fat molecule) compounds. Limiting the amount of fat you eat is asking to get "fatter". Fats alone do nothing to your body. It is when you eat high amounts of sugar with fat- which then activates the fat negatively- that causes you to gain weight. SO by all means, you could eat a steak that was half fat and be perfectly within your healthy zone. Turn around and eat a piece of cake after, and your asking for problems.
Second, in order to actually be top shape healthy, women require a body fat content of 24%. I was actually confused about this because men require about half that, so I asked my grandmother (who happens to be a women's health nurse at Kaiser). She confirmed this, even adding extra, unexpected information. If women don't remain within the 24 percentile zone, they will not have a menstrual cycle.
If you are familiar with gymnastics or ballet, this is probably an idea you have become desensitized to. Girls in gymnastics tend to never get their periods, until they quit. This is not only bad for your body, but dangerous. It can cause heart problems, infertility, and a stunted hormonal system.
The key then is to actually have a HIGH FAT diet with LOW SUGARS. The same goes for men, i'm just a little less educated on men's bodies. I know that it's not as hard for men, because staying at about 14 percent body fat is not too difficult of a feat. (Their bodies do a muscle conversion process with fat that women's bodies have no need for. I do know it can cause unbalanced testosterone, I just can't say why.)
Next time someone tells you it's healthier to eat an egg white omelet, stop. Keep the yokes in it, add ham, cheese and vegetables, and trade orange juice for unsweetened tea or coffee. Not only is this HEALTHIER for you, but you'll be more full and actually feel better the rest of the day.
Our society puts a high importance on being beautiful, leaving no room for "fat".When women diet then, they often look for foods with no, or extremely low, fat contents. This is a problem for many reasons.
First, your body requires high amounts of fat. We're talking a need for fat in EVERYTHING it does, daily. Cell structure, energy, protein processing, mitosis- all of this requires lipid (fat molecule) compounds. Limiting the amount of fat you eat is asking to get "fatter". Fats alone do nothing to your body. It is when you eat high amounts of sugar with fat- which then activates the fat negatively- that causes you to gain weight. SO by all means, you could eat a steak that was half fat and be perfectly within your healthy zone. Turn around and eat a piece of cake after, and your asking for problems.
Second, in order to actually be top shape healthy, women require a body fat content of 24%. I was actually confused about this because men require about half that, so I asked my grandmother (who happens to be a women's health nurse at Kaiser). She confirmed this, even adding extra, unexpected information. If women don't remain within the 24 percentile zone, they will not have a menstrual cycle.
If you are familiar with gymnastics or ballet, this is probably an idea you have become desensitized to. Girls in gymnastics tend to never get their periods, until they quit. This is not only bad for your body, but dangerous. It can cause heart problems, infertility, and a stunted hormonal system.
The key then is to actually have a HIGH FAT diet with LOW SUGARS. The same goes for men, i'm just a little less educated on men's bodies. I know that it's not as hard for men, because staying at about 14 percent body fat is not too difficult of a feat. (Their bodies do a muscle conversion process with fat that women's bodies have no need for. I do know it can cause unbalanced testosterone, I just can't say why.)
Next time someone tells you it's healthier to eat an egg white omelet, stop. Keep the yokes in it, add ham, cheese and vegetables, and trade orange juice for unsweetened tea or coffee. Not only is this HEALTHIER for you, but you'll be more full and actually feel better the rest of the day.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Oh, Syria
Did you hear about that Obama guy? I sure did, this morning! To sate my dad's curious mind about current events, he found this video about Obama wanting to help arm Syria against Israel. He's literally face diving America into another war. Oh, and China is helping. What's the relation there? Obama's Muslim, and China's Muslims are for it!
We also came across a related video, where Ireland had a meeting. Apparently they are VERY against Obama's recent actions. A woman was questioning Ireland's leaders, asking what they would do to take action against Obama, who now has the label war criminal. Even Americans agree he's a war criminal.....funny, this isn't the only reason.
Turns out, America is threatening to take away his Nobel Peace Prize. He broke his pact with us, so now he's undeserving of the honorable title. As the Irish woman put it, "are you going for the biggest hypocrite award of the century"? Considering he's threatening another war, I believe (and fear) there may be more at play here than just that!
Mexico has also been familiarized with Obama's "help". Has anyone heard of our "missing weapons"? If not, i strongly urge you to look it up. We armed a bunch of troops to "help" Mexico's police force with the cartel issues, and thousands of our guns just POOF! disappeared. Looks like Obama may just be a war criminal, after all. If Syria and the Peace Prize wasn't enough, how about the easily dismissed missing weapons that happened WAY before either of these, during his first term?
My question to America is as follows (yes, i'm a proud American but STILL): What have we gotten ourselves into, this time?
We also came across a related video, where Ireland had a meeting. Apparently they are VERY against Obama's recent actions. A woman was questioning Ireland's leaders, asking what they would do to take action against Obama, who now has the label war criminal. Even Americans agree he's a war criminal.....funny, this isn't the only reason.
Turns out, America is threatening to take away his Nobel Peace Prize. He broke his pact with us, so now he's undeserving of the honorable title. As the Irish woman put it, "are you going for the biggest hypocrite award of the century"? Considering he's threatening another war, I believe (and fear) there may be more at play here than just that!
Mexico has also been familiarized with Obama's "help". Has anyone heard of our "missing weapons"? If not, i strongly urge you to look it up. We armed a bunch of troops to "help" Mexico's police force with the cartel issues, and thousands of our guns just POOF! disappeared. Looks like Obama may just be a war criminal, after all. If Syria and the Peace Prize wasn't enough, how about the easily dismissed missing weapons that happened WAY before either of these, during his first term?
My question to America is as follows (yes, i'm a proud American but STILL): What have we gotten ourselves into, this time?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Gay Marriage.....Makes my word of the day "Major"
Is now officially legal. American government: one million. American People: demoralized to 1. One million to a demoralized one.....Yup, sounds about right!
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not hate homosexuals. Quite the opposite. I hate their sin, and would have absolutely no problem with them at all if they did what a lot of homosexuals do....deny themselves and live a life of celibacy because they know it's wrong. Making them able to marry each other will eliminate this tendency however, and this is something I hate for many reasons- most of which have nothing to do with them, personally.
The problem I found with gay marriage being legal, which I voiced to a California senator via e-mail, is the effects it has on youth. Kids get their biggest influence from adults in their lives, adults they look up to, or adults they see in their daily lives. With gay marriage being legal, they will now witness a lot more of this behavior. It has a major side effect- they are going to see it as OK and an option for them.
Scientists have already made public their lies of gay people being born that way. Given, there are certain gene traits that are believed to make someone an athlete or a musician, but none have actually been linked to homosexuality. (It wouldn't even make sense- you don't have genes that decide your life choices, so this one fits in nowhere.) This alone has kids anticipating the possibility that they may already be gay.
The sub-conscious has this funny way of working. Take for instance the thought of being gay. If you suspect you may be, as a kid you might actually try to convince yourself. If you think about it long and hard enough, letting it plague your mind, it will work! You will have dreams, and a change in behavior patters, that all work into this convincing process. It's generally known as a placebo effect. A very common psychological phenomenon, first brought to light by the crazy Freud, himself.
What does all of this add up to? A massive psychological chain reaction. I have this saying- When society supports something it becomes a habit; When government supports it, it becomes a lifestyle. Kids are going to see these legalized homosexuals all round them. They have been indoctrinated into believing homosexuals are born gay, so that part of the psychological mind control has already taken effect. They will then be faced with a questioning of their own nature, leading into a hopeless thought- "I was born this way and it's legal, so it must be OK. I DO have a choice in who I want to be".
Notice the thought has a majorly operative word. Who they choose to be. That's not to say all kids will think this way, and familial backgrounds will definitely have a major role. But it is, without a doubt, a CHOICE. One kids will now be more opt to make, because every one around them is saying it's an OK, or even right, thing, if you chose to be that way.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not hate homosexuals. Quite the opposite. I hate their sin, and would have absolutely no problem with them at all if they did what a lot of homosexuals do....deny themselves and live a life of celibacy because they know it's wrong. Making them able to marry each other will eliminate this tendency however, and this is something I hate for many reasons- most of which have nothing to do with them, personally.
The problem I found with gay marriage being legal, which I voiced to a California senator via e-mail, is the effects it has on youth. Kids get their biggest influence from adults in their lives, adults they look up to, or adults they see in their daily lives. With gay marriage being legal, they will now witness a lot more of this behavior. It has a major side effect- they are going to see it as OK and an option for them.
Scientists have already made public their lies of gay people being born that way. Given, there are certain gene traits that are believed to make someone an athlete or a musician, but none have actually been linked to homosexuality. (It wouldn't even make sense- you don't have genes that decide your life choices, so this one fits in nowhere.) This alone has kids anticipating the possibility that they may already be gay.
The sub-conscious has this funny way of working. Take for instance the thought of being gay. If you suspect you may be, as a kid you might actually try to convince yourself. If you think about it long and hard enough, letting it plague your mind, it will work! You will have dreams, and a change in behavior patters, that all work into this convincing process. It's generally known as a placebo effect. A very common psychological phenomenon, first brought to light by the crazy Freud, himself.
What does all of this add up to? A massive psychological chain reaction. I have this saying- When society supports something it becomes a habit; When government supports it, it becomes a lifestyle. Kids are going to see these legalized homosexuals all round them. They have been indoctrinated into believing homosexuals are born gay, so that part of the psychological mind control has already taken effect. They will then be faced with a questioning of their own nature, leading into a hopeless thought- "I was born this way and it's legal, so it must be OK. I DO have a choice in who I want to be".
Notice the thought has a majorly operative word. Who they choose to be. That's not to say all kids will think this way, and familial backgrounds will definitely have a major role. But it is, without a doubt, a CHOICE. One kids will now be more opt to make, because every one around them is saying it's an OK, or even right, thing, if you chose to be that way.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Street Signs- UGH!
I live on a street corner next to a main road. There is a middle school to my left, high school to my right, and elementary schools up the road front and back. You would think, on this street in particular, where two schools have a year round traffic of kids, there would be four intersection stop signs. Instead, there is one on each side of the residential street, while the main road had the right away and no other stop indicators besides the slow school traffic.
Normally, I'd imagine this wouldn't be too much of a problem. Except that I live on the oldest part of town, and the roads are small. To top it off, we are really close to city limits, so all of the back road party goers drive through here drunk. May I make note, this was not a good idea on the cities part.
Already, this intersection has had two major accidents this year. One completely totaled a smaller car, while the lady driving the larger car had a broken wrist. The intersection had to be completely blocked off by police cars and an ambulance, while they tried moving the cars out of the way and getting up as much shattered glass as possible. Residents in the area had to take detours to get to their homes, and pedestrians had to cross the road where there were no crossing marks. (Only three of the paths have walking marks, so if you wanted to go directly across the street from my house you would actually have to cross three times! Again, awful planning.)
My junior year, I was on Independent Study. This means, for those who don't know, I was my own teacher. I still attended music classes at the high school across town, though. I rode the bus everyday, getting dropped off next to my house across the street, where the middle school has their own bus stop. One day, as I was crossing the street, I looked both ways. The only car coming was over 100 yards up the road. Safe, right? WRONG! The lady was not determined to stop and came 2 inches from my legs! She really almost hit me, I was so mad. How could she NOT have seen me?
I called the police and the city, suggesting there be a stop sign or street sign put in. They told me it wouldn't happen, even after I shared my story. I'll bet they now regret that. I have now seen a girl almost get hit, a man on a motor chair almost get hit, multiple bikers, and actually did see one biker get hit and thrown off his bike. What will it take for these people to realize this isn't working?
Normally, I'd imagine this wouldn't be too much of a problem. Except that I live on the oldest part of town, and the roads are small. To top it off, we are really close to city limits, so all of the back road party goers drive through here drunk. May I make note, this was not a good idea on the cities part.
Already, this intersection has had two major accidents this year. One completely totaled a smaller car, while the lady driving the larger car had a broken wrist. The intersection had to be completely blocked off by police cars and an ambulance, while they tried moving the cars out of the way and getting up as much shattered glass as possible. Residents in the area had to take detours to get to their homes, and pedestrians had to cross the road where there were no crossing marks. (Only three of the paths have walking marks, so if you wanted to go directly across the street from my house you would actually have to cross three times! Again, awful planning.)
My junior year, I was on Independent Study. This means, for those who don't know, I was my own teacher. I still attended music classes at the high school across town, though. I rode the bus everyday, getting dropped off next to my house across the street, where the middle school has their own bus stop. One day, as I was crossing the street, I looked both ways. The only car coming was over 100 yards up the road. Safe, right? WRONG! The lady was not determined to stop and came 2 inches from my legs! She really almost hit me, I was so mad. How could she NOT have seen me?
I called the police and the city, suggesting there be a stop sign or street sign put in. They told me it wouldn't happen, even after I shared my story. I'll bet they now regret that. I have now seen a girl almost get hit, a man on a motor chair almost get hit, multiple bikers, and actually did see one biker get hit and thrown off his bike. What will it take for these people to realize this isn't working?
Sunday, June 23, 2013
My dad's friend posted a video on Facebook of a German guy. He has a job here in America, so you could only imagine the cultural barrier. While at work one day he hears his co workers talking about Jennifer being a party pooper.
Let's just say that German's do not have our slang. He could not comprehend what they possibly meant and , being a European, took it literally! He thought they meant that Jennifer goes to parties and "poops zo peoplez vill know". He goes on to say "I poop at partiez but I shut ze door zo know one vill know. Does zhe leave the door open so peoplez will zee and smell zings?". I thought I was going to pee myself! Let's just say it ended like this....."Does zhe do it by the presents or next to ze punches bowl? Does zhe poop on ze carpets? I vant to go to party with Jennifer to make observations....Zhe poops at parties!".
Just goes to show you how much different Americans are from the rest of the world. We have a language that leaves room for joking and sarcasm. With French and German(especially french) the way you describe things isn't so direct. Let's say you want to order a salad with tomatoes. You would say salad du (of) tomat. If you said salad avec (with) tomat, you would probably get a side of tomatoes. They be careful of what they say, whereas we slang everything!
I took French two years of high school. Since my name is Rahne (if you don't know, it's Rain), I confused my French teacher the first day of school. Our school had traded French teachers since the old one retired, so this teacher was actually from France. I messed up introducing myself. Properly, it would be Je suis Rahne. (I am Rahne). I said J'ai Pluie, since my name in french is Pluie, but it literally means I have Rain. It took a few minutes for me to explain that my name was rain.
Could you imagine what our every day lives would look like if we didn't try to slang everything? While some things would be less fun, like a party destroyer instead of a party pooper, some things could be a lot better. For instance, I could quickly adjust to not hearing the "N" word everyday as a friend referral. I could also do without people saying LOL or YOLO in conversations. Hello! Your talking to me, a person, in the face, not over text.
It has even gotten to the point where teacher have to put NO SLANG in their class rules. Kids have honestly been putting LOL and other acronyms in their papers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Hmmmm. Maybe this slang business has gotten a bit out of hand.
(NOTE: If you hear someone say the slang term "slangin' ", it means they are dealing drugs.)
Let's just say that German's do not have our slang. He could not comprehend what they possibly meant and , being a European, took it literally! He thought they meant that Jennifer goes to parties and "poops zo peoplez vill know". He goes on to say "I poop at partiez but I shut ze door zo know one vill know. Does zhe leave the door open so peoplez will zee and smell zings?". I thought I was going to pee myself! Let's just say it ended like this....."Does zhe do it by the presents or next to ze punches bowl? Does zhe poop on ze carpets? I vant to go to party with Jennifer to make observations....Zhe poops at parties!".
Just goes to show you how much different Americans are from the rest of the world. We have a language that leaves room for joking and sarcasm. With French and German(especially french) the way you describe things isn't so direct. Let's say you want to order a salad with tomatoes. You would say salad du (of) tomat. If you said salad avec (with) tomat, you would probably get a side of tomatoes. They be careful of what they say, whereas we slang everything!
I took French two years of high school. Since my name is Rahne (if you don't know, it's Rain), I confused my French teacher the first day of school. Our school had traded French teachers since the old one retired, so this teacher was actually from France. I messed up introducing myself. Properly, it would be Je suis Rahne. (I am Rahne). I said J'ai Pluie, since my name in french is Pluie, but it literally means I have Rain. It took a few minutes for me to explain that my name was rain.
Could you imagine what our every day lives would look like if we didn't try to slang everything? While some things would be less fun, like a party destroyer instead of a party pooper, some things could be a lot better. For instance, I could quickly adjust to not hearing the "N" word everyday as a friend referral. I could also do without people saying LOL or YOLO in conversations. Hello! Your talking to me, a person, in the face, not over text.
It has even gotten to the point where teacher have to put NO SLANG in their class rules. Kids have honestly been putting LOL and other acronyms in their papers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Hmmmm. Maybe this slang business has gotten a bit out of hand.
(NOTE: If you hear someone say the slang term "slangin' ", it means they are dealing drugs.)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
When You Tell a Lie
No one really stops to consider how much their lies will affect others. Recently, people have made it their goal to destroy the church I go to. They have been telling lies about Pastor, lies that make no sense. For example, Robert, this ex drug addict, was staying with Pastor. Pastor wanted to do a Godly thing and help this man get back on his feet. He helped him get shoes and clothes, and bought him food every day. Yet somehow the church kids (yes, I mean the kids!) were told that Pastor was letting him do drugs. They also heard Pastor was stealing money from the church.
May I make note, none of the above is true. If you knew Pastor, you would know the church is his life. He doesn't care about anything material, having gave the last of his money to the church to keep it alive. The church owes him salary money, but he DOES NOT care. If he can preach, soul win, and do good things for those in need, he has everything in life he could possibly ask for. I can honestly say he has the kindest heart I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know. Yet, somehow when the money came missing the man who did it named him (very credible might I add. Robert really should have considered his background working against him).
Pastor has announced he's taking a 30 day sabbatical. It's not that I believe he doesn't want to be apart of the church anymore, I think he just needs a break to clear his head. At least we're all praying that it's only so. I don't think anyone of us knows what we would do without him leading us. Sure, we could move on......eventually. But we don't want to. We all love him dearly.
My father attended the meeting this morning at the church. Many of the sincere members met up to discuss what they would do for thirty days, as that's way too long to be gone from church. Well, turns out the lies have extended to congregation members! People have started a war with our church, as if they are trying to completely tear us apart. Satan works in great ways to hinder Christians but not one of us were prepared for the destruction of families.
A very dear women in the church, whom i'm not going to name, works very hard to help out pastor. Like so many other woman who have dedicated hours of time to keep it running smoothly, she spent a lot of extra hours cleaning, soul winning, and giving her time up for God's work. That makes her the next added target? Someone, who's joined the war, was telling people she had an affair with pastor. Not even true! Many of us had been there in her extra hours of effort, and Pastor and her were never even alone! Her husband and her are now going at it, since he refuses to attend church and doesn't know better like we all do. Her daughter ran away, and is now not at the house but with friends.
I'm so angry at whomever did this, it's blinding. I'm crying as I write this. I grew up with this women. She babysat me for many years, and helped lead my family to the Church fellowship process. I've never heard a bad word about anyone come out of her mouth, not even those spreading lies about Pastor. How could someone be so cruel to someone else, when they could learn a lot from them?
I guess to ask that question is to answer it. People ARE cruel. You almost count on trusting no one but family, or at least them you've known long enough to be family. It's pretty depressing when a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old (my sister) have already learned this lesson. When did "adults" turn back into children? Did I miss an important memo? Someone please tell me that this won't be often for us. Call my thoughts a liar. That way, someone else can assure me it will never change.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Where did it come from? Why is it so popular? I'd love to answer these questions!
Sagging was actually a jail tradition, signifying homosexual willingness. Prisoners would sag their pants, telling other prisoners that they were a bottom buddy (meaning they were willing to have sex with their other male cell buddies). This let other top buddies know who to look for and who to pick on.
Why did it become popular? Well, that's not such an easy explanation. Rappers that had previously been locked up more than likely made this their subliminal message. While people in jail, or people that had been in jail, knew what this meant, kids and teenagers had no idea. Like all naive kids mocking their idols, they quickly picked up this bad habit. Not very attractive, hu?
When I walk down the street, on any given day, It's inevitable to see guys walking around saggin' their pants. I almost don't know whether I should laugh or not, in all honesty. It's gotten to the point where clothing lines are making pants specifically for sagging! Some lines even mask their intentions, putting smaller sizes on bigger pants so that kids unknowingly fall into this trap. It's pretty disturbing looking at third graders under-pants whenever we drive by an elementary school.
What I do know however, is the obvious. Many parents are aware of this fashion symbolism, yet let their kids walk out of the house like this! Seriously, people??? Your child it ten and flashing himself! I'd even go so far as to say this is terrible parenting!!!!
If you didn't know what this meant, may I make a suggestion? Buy your kids a new wardrobe. Teachers in schools are very aware of the meaning behind this. Believe me, I have seen kids get picked on by teachers and classmates for this fashion statement. It tells the teacher- "hey, this kids a jerk and I need to watch out for him". When teachers get this first appearance idea, your child will always be wrong and in trouble in the classroom, even if they aren't or don't deserve to be.
Sagging was actually a jail tradition, signifying homosexual willingness. Prisoners would sag their pants, telling other prisoners that they were a bottom buddy (meaning they were willing to have sex with their other male cell buddies). This let other top buddies know who to look for and who to pick on.
Why did it become popular? Well, that's not such an easy explanation. Rappers that had previously been locked up more than likely made this their subliminal message. While people in jail, or people that had been in jail, knew what this meant, kids and teenagers had no idea. Like all naive kids mocking their idols, they quickly picked up this bad habit. Not very attractive, hu?
When I walk down the street, on any given day, It's inevitable to see guys walking around saggin' their pants. I almost don't know whether I should laugh or not, in all honesty. It's gotten to the point where clothing lines are making pants specifically for sagging! Some lines even mask their intentions, putting smaller sizes on bigger pants so that kids unknowingly fall into this trap. It's pretty disturbing looking at third graders under-pants whenever we drive by an elementary school.
What I do know however, is the obvious. Many parents are aware of this fashion symbolism, yet let their kids walk out of the house like this! Seriously, people??? Your child it ten and flashing himself! I'd even go so far as to say this is terrible parenting!!!!
If you didn't know what this meant, may I make a suggestion? Buy your kids a new wardrobe. Teachers in schools are very aware of the meaning behind this. Believe me, I have seen kids get picked on by teachers and classmates for this fashion statement. It tells the teacher- "hey, this kids a jerk and I need to watch out for him". When teachers get this first appearance idea, your child will always be wrong and in trouble in the classroom, even if they aren't or don't deserve to be.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sky City, Acoma Reservation NM
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This is actually an oven. Many of the reservations have no electricity or water, so this is how they cook. |
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Beautiful canyon below the mesa. |
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The Acoma are well known for their pottery. I got to bring some home! |
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One style house, adobe inside with brick decor- they can use rock, grey paint, or brown paint only on houses! |
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Simple adobe in OK colors. My favorite is the adobe. |
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Catholic Chapel, gifted to them after the Spanish Inquisition. |
Temptation to All
At some point in our lives, we have all been tempted to do something. Tempted to do the right thing, though it has consequences, also; tempted to do the wrong thing, simply because we could; tempted to do SOMETHING, only because it seemed worthwhile. We all face this feeling, and we all face our fall in it. Temptation is dangerous, and often people don't realize this because it masks itself- it pretends to be something good, fun, or beneficial, to draw us into its trickery and (more often than not) destroy us.
The first thing a temptation usually brings about is self-seeking behavior. We are generally tempted by something because it offers us something we think we need, or believe we could be better with. While in some instances this may be true, like telling your friend the truth about something that may break your friendship (but is the Right thing to do), most times self-seeking behavior is selfish. Let's say for example sake you really want a new car. You found a great one that's not too expensive, but would put your family on a very tight budget for a while. You don't need the new car, but it's tempting to own a nicer one like your friend's. You weigh your pros and cons, and suddenly it hits you. What happens if there's an emergency, and my family needs medical help? Or a new necessity? You throw those thoughts away- That's not too likely in the next few months.
Your selfish temptation has now become potentially damaging and debt causing to your family. You disregarded the future security of your family to get your societal fit. This example of temptation fits for most things, also. Fill in the blank for an action (such as wanting to get drunk) and you'll see that most things we are tempted with have these exact same consequences!
When self-seeking behaviors are given in to, the second thing temptation will bring about is a self-seeking lifestyle. Once you give in to buying the car, you find it easier to give in to the next time you want something. And the next. You are beginning to allow your temptations to get the best of you, sometimes even when your cons outweigh your pros. While you haven't completely turned over to temptation yet, your slowly moving into a life lived only for yourself.
The third thing temptation will bring is an insensitivity to the needs of others. In other words, you no longer care. Your heart has been hardened, and you are officially living for yourself. You don't bother to weigh pros and cons anymore- if it's good for you it's good for everyone, or so your mentality says. You will claim to love people, but that love is only present when you get something out of it. You will deliberately do things that hurt people because the thing your doing has some benefit to you.
The final thing sin brings about is self destruction. You don't even care about the damage things can do to you, so long as you feel good and seem to be having fun. With the case of a drug addict, your dying but don't care. Your life is revolved around being high and feeling numbed. You steal to get the drug money you need, you cheat and lie. You will tell anyone anything without feeling even a tinge of guilt, because you are incapable of actually loving or caring for anyone, including yourself.
Not very nice is it? Getting right down to it, temptation is evil. It is merciless. It knows no end. There is one thing that can deliver you from this- The Good News, himself. I'll be sharing how tomorrow morning, but if you have any further questions or feel a sense of immediacy you are more than welcome to message me at any time.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Graduation week is over! I haven't kept up on my posts because things have been so hectic....but I made it! I'll continue with my series post ASAP, but for now I will share what my last week has been like. I think more than anything i'm simply relieved it's over.
Finals week was bittersweet. I was excited because I was almost done, but I couldn't just get out. We spent three days in block schedules. Day one was two hours in first then second, then the second same but third and fourth and the third fifth and sixth periods. Most of my finals were pretty simple. Band and office T.A. required no work, other than stuffing all the diploma holders....all the office T.A.s got the privilege of that task. English I got a b......I wonder what the rest of my class got, considering my group undoubtedly did the best (everyone told us so, anyways). Geometry was stressful. I still passed the class with a b, but sadly only got through half of the second part to the test. I Believe I got a b in government as well....I was hoping for more a's but i definitely can't complain.
So I'm a little happier now. I just looked at my grades and it appears I finished my senior year with: A A A B B B. Not too bad of grades :)
My graduation ceremony was horrid. Normally graduation night ends up windy and semi cold in the stadium.......it would be my luck that mine ended up 105 degrees. We were even instructed to remove our gowns because it was so hot. Before we even started walking in two kids feinted and multiple audience members passed out. Needless to say we had a couple ambulances sit through our ceremony with us.
The grad night even was amazing, however. They had a mechanical bull (yes, i got thrown off), a fake casino set up, rock climbing, and multiple blow-up party stations. They even hired a hypnotist....I didn't participate in that, just watched. No thanks, I want to remember this night! I actually ended up winning a 20$ gift card to best buy and a beach set. God was watching my back, because i plan on spending my summer body boarding! Eventually I might even work up the nerve to learn how to surf.
I made enough to start my car saving off good. Hopefully i'll be able to get a job this summer and add to it immensely. College would be interesting without it. I can't decide if I want my present to myself to be a camera or a gaming device....On the one hand I love taking pictures, but on the other I do love video games when I have those random bored moments.
I guess that about sums it up, though I will get around to posting pictures soon, hopefully.
Finals week was bittersweet. I was excited because I was almost done, but I couldn't just get out. We spent three days in block schedules. Day one was two hours in first then second, then the second same but third and fourth and the third fifth and sixth periods. Most of my finals were pretty simple. Band and office T.A. required no work, other than stuffing all the diploma holders....all the office T.A.s got the privilege of that task. English I got a b......I wonder what the rest of my class got, considering my group undoubtedly did the best (everyone told us so, anyways). Geometry was stressful. I still passed the class with a b, but sadly only got through half of the second part to the test. I Believe I got a b in government as well....I was hoping for more a's but i definitely can't complain.
So I'm a little happier now. I just looked at my grades and it appears I finished my senior year with: A A A B B B. Not too bad of grades :)
My graduation ceremony was horrid. Normally graduation night ends up windy and semi cold in the stadium.......it would be my luck that mine ended up 105 degrees. We were even instructed to remove our gowns because it was so hot. Before we even started walking in two kids feinted and multiple audience members passed out. Needless to say we had a couple ambulances sit through our ceremony with us.
The grad night even was amazing, however. They had a mechanical bull (yes, i got thrown off), a fake casino set up, rock climbing, and multiple blow-up party stations. They even hired a hypnotist....I didn't participate in that, just watched. No thanks, I want to remember this night! I actually ended up winning a 20$ gift card to best buy and a beach set. God was watching my back, because i plan on spending my summer body boarding! Eventually I might even work up the nerve to learn how to surf.
I made enough to start my car saving off good. Hopefully i'll be able to get a job this summer and add to it immensely. College would be interesting without it. I can't decide if I want my present to myself to be a camera or a gaming device....On the one hand I love taking pictures, but on the other I do love video games when I have those random bored moments.
I guess that about sums it up, though I will get around to posting pictures soon, hopefully.
Monday, June 3, 2013
On a Personal Note
While I am in a series of blog posts, I am currently putting together my next one. So, i thought i'd do something a little more personally meaningful, until I get home this afternoon.
I am sad to report that our church is currently hurting. I find this to be both hurtful and intimidating. I was finally beginning to understand something in this horridly complicated world. Pastor Mark has brought love and salvation into so many lives, especially those of his congregation. We are all terrified, but comforted in knowing the Lord has our back.
Pastor Mark baptized me when I was just 9 years old. While I didn't understand the full extent of Christianity and salvation then, other than loving Jesus, Pastor has taught me much in these past few months. God truly put my family in his audience for a miracle, one my family was direly in need of.
My high school years, and even middle school, have been rough on my family and I. I put them and myself through things they should not have experienced, me at only 12 to 15. I'd cut myself daily. Not just light cuts but multiple, and not to get attention. I was very good at hiding myself from everyone, and got away with it for months before a single person caught on. Even after my parents found out I has my mantra- I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be left alone.
When I finally got diagnosed with A.D.D.. depression, anxiety, and sleep issues in eighth grade, I had already determined I hated myself. I was sexually harassed almost daily, and it got so bad my school adjusted their hands-off policy to no one being allowed to even hug their friends. To add to this, I was on medications because something was wrong with me. With everything happening too fast, I no longer saw a point in caring about much.
The rest of high school, until junior year, was spent doing drugs, being manipulative, and not even caring for myself. I could not be accused of being selfish, at least, because that would imply I did care. I got into two fights, one which landed me in Juvenile hall, the other helping to get me kicked out of my high school for a year. I got in trouble for both drinking and smoking on campus. My grades were slipping, and it appeared I was on a downward spiral.
By the time I landed myself in the hospital for the second time for doing drugs, my parents had had enough. I was grounded for months. I needed to learn a lesson, not one that discipline alone could teach me. I was missing something big in life and it was destroying me.
Mid-way through junior year, I picked up the bible. I hate to say it was a random event, but it was. My grandma had bought all the kids in the family a study bible, so I thought i'd give it a try. I'd spend hours a day in my garage, smoking cigarettes (which I did finally quit!) and reading the bible. No one would bother me during this time. They knew it was pointless because I wouldn't listen, and this was something I felt I needed to do. I learned something about myself and life in those hours- I no longer wanted to be the reckless, careless party girl. I wanted to change, to be someone for God.
Halfway through this school year (a was allowed to return to my high school for getting straight a's on an independent study program) my father had a change of heart. He was convicted by the Lord, and had this urge to get rebaptized(story for another time). In the process, we became members of Fellowship Baptist Church.
The Pastor was broken, himself. He would get distracted, and off topic. He wouldn't socialize like he used to. This really made his sermons stick out to me. He was more broken than I even was, yet was so filled and enthusiastic about God's love. This made me want t change further- I no longer party, cuss as much, do any drugs, and i'm changing my life plan for one of God. I even hope to start a non-profit organization. Pastor himself has gotten better, and we're all very proud of him.
Of course, I owe this radical change to the Holy Spirit. But Pastor Mark showed me how to get there. SO, this is my proclamation- I truly hope, for the sake of Pastor and the congregation, that we do not get the church taken by the bank. I PRAY the Lord takes care of us, if it's in his will, because if one church can do this for a long lost teenager and a broken man, what could they do for the world? For the Lord, we could do anything, and through him accomplish his plans for us.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Next week is my high school graduation. Exciting, right?- except that it also meant dress shopping. Being naturally on the bigger chested side, this is always difficult. I wanted to find something simple and semi formal, but not too casual. Then I decided I just wanted something to fit.
My mom and I must have gone to five different dress stores. Why was this necessary? Everything either flashed my chest off or came out way too short. A modest dress was not going to be found.
This year modesty has been especially important to me. Problem is, I can't find much! Then everyday I see girls coming to school in see-through shirts, with only a bra cover underneath! Yes, even the fourteen-year-old girls. I keep thinking to myself "what's the problem here?".
Our society has put a high importance on beauty, and always has. Models went from being beautiful the way they were, to needing to be skinny and idolized. Young girls have started worrying about their "fashion" and weight at only 5, following the influences around them (don't get me started on how well Disney promotes this mentality). Now, girls are going out of their way to show off their "beauty", and it seems they just keeping taking more clothes off! Parents (for the most part) are OK with this either because they grew up recently, during the rapid moral drop, or they feel they don't have to care; "everyone is doing it, so it must be OK and why bother?".
It's gotten to the point where a majority of young people are dressing this way, so a majority of stores limit cute to clothes like this or tee-shirts. I can't even find a pair of shorts that cover my butt at most stores, so iv'e reverted to only buying shorts at Old Navy. Truth is, I don't want to have to wear tee-shirts all summer. I just want a tank top that doesn't make me feel undressed, same going for dresses. The evil of the world is making this awfully difficult. What happened to everyone being christian and fearing even bathing suits? Do most of our youth even know what modesty means anymore?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
I would like to begin my new blog with a post about something that has really begun to bother me. Almost every week for the last few months, I have been "put down" with the comment "Christians are weak. It takes a truly strong person to admit that there's nothing, like an atheist does". There's a couple problems with this I would like to bring forth, valid points that are somehow missed.
First, atheism does not "admit to nothing". They admit to there being no God- this is a set of beliefs, which I will go so far as to even call a religious doctrine.
Second, it does not take a strong person to admit there's nothing. Rather, it is actually very weak. Let's evaluate this in an example I feel most could understand: Let's just say you have a math test coming up and you do not understand algebraic expressions. Is it easier for you to admit you do not understand, or easier to TRY to understand? Do you easily reason "I don't understand, so I quit trying", or "I would like to understand, so even if it can't always be explained so I know why the expressions work I will at least know the elements of the concept"? These comparisons are very close to that of Christians and atheists. Atheists quit trying when they don't understand. Christians admit they don't understand and try their best to implement faith BLINDLY. Which is actually stronger?
This common misconception is actually the type of belief that leads people away from being Christian. Humans have this in-born tendency to run from things they either don't understand or can't perceive. It is an undeniable weakness, that has always done us more damage than good. My questions is this- DO you often run from your weaknesses, or face them dead on and overcome them?
Recently, I have run from nothing. I can feel the presence of the Lord guiding me. When he's with me, no one is ever against me. Do you feel like your missing strength? That your just not getting everything from life, and you'd like to know why? Send me an email, I'd love to help the Lord work from my life to yours. Don't trust blind, personal conversation? I understand. Maybe give that local church a chance and try talking to someone after the sermon.
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