Goals of "Project:

Being just out of high school, there is much I have come to learn in this past year. I have witnessed the corruption of this world around me with new a understanding; a corruption most of us Americans are oblivious to. It surrounds our everyday lives, so well hidden it envelopes everything we know and rely on. My hopes for this page is that it not only draws attention to these issues, but truly gets people thinking on them.

While many of my posts will be strongly opinion-based, I will do my best to back most of it with fact. As a born again Christian, I will also be honoring God, alone. Iwish to both make people smile and open their eyes.

-"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another"- John 13:34, KJB.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When You Tell a Lie

      No one really stops to consider how much their lies will affect others. Recently, people have made it their goal to destroy the church I go to. They have been telling lies about Pastor, lies that make no sense. For example, Robert, this ex drug addict, was staying with Pastor. Pastor wanted to do a Godly thing and help this man get back on his feet. He helped him get shoes and clothes, and bought him food every day. Yet somehow the church kids (yes, I mean the kids!) were told that Pastor was letting him do drugs. They also heard Pastor was stealing money from the church.
      May I make note, none of the above is true. If you knew Pastor, you would know the church is his life. He doesn't care about anything material, having gave the last of his money to the church to keep it alive. The church owes him salary money, but he DOES NOT care. If he can preach, soul win, and do good things for those in need, he has everything in life he could possibly ask for. I can honestly say he has the kindest heart I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know. Yet, somehow when the money came missing the man who did it named him (very credible might I add. Robert really should have considered his background working against him).
      Pastor has announced he's taking a 30 day sabbatical. It's not that I believe he doesn't want to be apart of the church anymore, I think he just needs a break to clear his head. At least we're all praying that it's only so. I don't think anyone of us knows what we would do without him leading us. Sure, we could move on......eventually. But we don't want to. We all love him dearly.
      My father attended the meeting this morning at the church. Many of the sincere members met up to discuss what they would do for thirty days, as that's way too long to be gone from church. Well, turns out the lies have extended to congregation members! People have started a war with our church, as if they are trying to completely tear us apart. Satan works in great ways to hinder Christians but not one of us were prepared for the destruction of families.
      A very dear women in the church, whom i'm not going to name, works very hard to help out pastor. Like so many other woman who have dedicated hours of time to keep it running smoothly, she spent a lot of extra hours cleaning, soul winning, and giving her time up for God's work. That makes her the next added target? Someone, who's joined the war, was telling people she had an affair with pastor. Not even true! Many of us had been there in her extra hours of effort, and Pastor and her were never even alone! Her husband and her are now going at it, since he refuses to attend church and doesn't know better like we all do. Her daughter ran away, and is now not at the house but with friends. 
      I'm so angry at whomever did this, it's blinding. I'm crying as I write this. I grew up with this women. She babysat me for many years, and helped lead my family to the Church fellowship process. I've never heard a bad word about anyone come out of her mouth, not even those spreading lies about Pastor. How could someone be so cruel to someone else, when they could learn a lot from them?
      I guess to ask that question is to answer it. People ARE cruel. You almost count on trusting no one but family, or at least them you've known long enough to be family. It's pretty depressing when a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old (my sister) have already learned this lesson. When did "adults" turn back into children? Did I miss an important memo? Someone please tell me that this won't be often for us. Call my thoughts a liar. That way, someone else can assure me it will never change. 

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