First, atheism does not "admit to nothing". They admit to there being no God- this is a set of beliefs, which I will go so far as to even call a religious doctrine.
Second, it does not take a strong person to admit there's nothing. Rather, it is actually very weak. Let's evaluate this in an example I feel most could understand: Let's just say you have a math test coming up and you do not understand algebraic expressions. Is it easier for you to admit you do not understand, or easier to TRY to understand? Do you easily reason "I don't understand, so I quit trying", or "I would like to understand, so even if it can't always be explained so I know why the expressions work I will at least know the elements of the concept"? These comparisons are very close to that of Christians and atheists. Atheists quit trying when they don't understand. Christians admit they don't understand and try their best to implement faith BLINDLY. Which is actually stronger?
This common misconception is actually the type of belief that leads people away from being Christian. Humans have this in-born tendency to run from things they either don't understand or can't perceive. It is an undeniable weakness, that has always done us more damage than good. My questions is this- DO you often run from your weaknesses, or face them dead on and overcome them?
Recently, I have run from nothing. I can feel the presence of the Lord guiding me. When he's with me, no one is ever against me. Do you feel like your missing strength? That your just not getting everything from life, and you'd like to know why? Send me an email, I'd love to help the Lord work from my life to yours. Don't trust blind, personal conversation? I understand. Maybe give that local church a chance and try talking to someone after the sermon.
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